Submission details Communication as Development Catalyst Conference
Authors should submit either a full paper of 6000-7000 words or an extended abstract of 750-1000 words to by 5 pm, 1 February 2025 (Vietnam time).
Contributions could be written in either English or Vietnamese.
If you submit an extended abstract, you are advised to follow the format of a structured abstract where possible, using the following headings:
For guidance on writing a structured abstract, you can visit this page, or find more through a Google search with “structured abstract” as the keyword.
Authors who opt to follow the normal unstructured abstract format should ensure they include all the key information listed above in their submission.
All selected papers and abstracts will be published in an official proceedings book with an ISBN. Following the conference, contributors will have the opportunity to develop or revise their existing submissions into full English-language papers for consideration for two special issues of the following peer-reviewed journals:
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