
Research of The Faculty of Applied Technology

Training is associated with practice, putting applied scientific research as the main focus.

Scientific research is the foundation for the discovery of new knowledge in the service of social life.

At the Faculty of Applied Technology, scientific research activities are always invested in both quantity and quality. Research ideas come from practice, which is the basis for implementing highly applicable scientific topics.

Our Research Objectives

For scientific research activities to be effective, the Faculty has set specific goals when establishing projects and implementing them.

Find technological solutions

The important goal when doing scientific research is to analyze and find technological solutions to solve practical problems.

Variety of research topics

Research aims to diversify the fields of application, including biotechnology, medical and pharmaceutical biotechnology, food technology…

Research Focus Areas

Research is focused on scientific and technological areas associated with practice.

Projects & Publications

Research is focused on scientific and technological areas associated with practice.


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Incorporation of nanomaterials into delivery systems of antioxidants: A review
Anh C. Vu, Quyen T. Vu, Quang T. Nguyen, Khang H. Lu, Chi V. Nguyen
Decoration of silver nanoparticles on nitrogen-doped nanoporous carbon derived from zeolitic imidazole framework-8 (ZIF-8) via in situ auto-reductioN
Vediyappan Veeramani, Nguyen Van Chi, Yi-Lin Yang, Nguyen Thi Hong Huong, Thuan Van Tran, Tansir Ahamad, Saad M. Alshehri and Kevin C.-W. Wu
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Promote scientific research to create a sustainable world
Promote scientific research to create a sustainable world
"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity." - Albert Einstein