
Advanced Flap Techniques

This training course on advanced flap techniques aims to expose students to an understanding of different types of flap techniques commonly applied in dentistry.


On pig ears, students will practice Z-plasty, a common technique in dental surgery, and a tension-relieving technique with releasing sutures. On pig jaws, they will practice envelope, triangular, and trapezoidal flaps, alongside partial-thickness flap, which is a very important technique used in soft tissue plastic surgery in periodontitis and implantology.


6.000.000 VND/student

  • Mr. Tran Ngoc Quang Phi, DDS, Ph.D 
  • Ms To Tran, DDS, Ph.D
  • Doctor Bui Khoa Phuoc
  • Doctor Huynh Thanh Tien

Excellent features of the training program

On successful completion of this course, students should be able to perform different flap techniques applied in clinical dentistry.
Study Program
Theoretical content (3 periods)
Practical content (6 periods)
Examination (1 period)
  • Principles of flap design in oral and maxillofacial surgery  
  • Common full-thickness flaps  
  • Principles and techniques of partial-thickness flaps  
  • Comparison of partial- and full-thickness flaps  
  • Z-plasty and its clinical application  
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