
Financial Technology (Fintech)

Financial Technology (Fintech) is an industry that combines finance and information technology, focusing on innovating methods, technologies, and new products to improve and optimize financial services for customers. Key topics include blockchain, electronic payments, cryptocurrencies, digital insurance, online lending, investment, and smart financial management.

General Information

The training program is designed to train and supply human resources at bachelor's level in FinTech industry in the context of international integration and catch up with the development trend of the digital economy. Through the curriculum, students will explore financial theories and apply them as well as apply technologies on: blockchain, big data, artificial intelligence... that can create innovation in activities finance.

Program code


Training period

4 years


Bachelor of Financial Technology

Subject combinations

Math – Physics – Chemistry (A00)

Math - Physics - English (A01)

Math - Literature - English (D01)

Math - Literature - Physics (C01)

Excellent features of the training program

Prestigious program

The training program is built on the basis of reference and benchmarking with the training programs of universities ranked among the top prestigious universities both domestically and internationally.

Teaching staff

Built and taught by an experienced teaching staff

Learning Materials.

Rich textbooks and learning resources.

High applicability

A highly practical program

Internship Potential

Internship opportunities at domestic and foreign businesses

Program learning outcomes

Upon completion of the training program, learners will accumulate standardized competencies based on industry criteria.
Program Structure
1st YEAR
2nd YEAR
3nd YEAR
4nd YEAR
  • Marxist-Leninist Philosophy
  • English 1
  • Management Studies
  • General Law
  • Basic Computer Science
  • Environment and Human
  • Physical Education 1
  • Political Economy
  • Marxist-Leninist Thought
  • English 2
  • Microeconomics
  • Critical Thinking
  • National Defense Education
  • Physical Education 2
  • Scientific Socialism
  • English 3
  • Macroeconomics
  • Applied Mathematics in Business
  • Soft Skills


Methods of learning, teaching, and assessment

A training program with a variety of methods, providing flexibility and convenience for learners.
Career opportunities

Upon completing the training program, learners will be equipped with in-depth knowledge in the field of Fintech, as well as proficient language and computer skills meeting the standards. In addition, learners will also be nurtured with ethical qualities related to their profession and gain experience in an internationally standardized educational environment, allowing them to participate in and assume roles and positions after graduation. Some positions that learners can take on after graduation include:

Experts, senior managers at technology companies, finance, software development companies, new financial products and services...
Specialist in developing new service products, risk analysis, and risk management in banks, securities companies, insurance companies, and other financial organizations.
Start your own business or own start-up projects in the FinTech field.
There are opportunities to become lecturers or researchers at universities and research institutes.
“I can accept failure, everyone fails at something. But I can’t accept not trying”.
“I can accept failure, everyone fails at something. But I can’t accept not trying”.
– Michael Jordan
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