
Industrial Management

The Industrial Management major provides the essential knowledge and skills related to management activities, improvement of production systems, product quality, and efficient use of resources.


Industrial Management is an intersection between economics and technology, providing the foundation and in-depth knowledge of economic management and technology. This major provides learners with specialized skills in production operations, project management, human resource management, inventory, inventory management, and supply chain management in manufacturing, trading, and commerce.

Program code




Training period

4 years  



Bachelor of Engineering in Industrial Management

Subject combinations

A00: Mathematics – Physics – Chemistry 
A01: Mathematics – Physics – English 
A02: Mathematics – Physics – Biology 
B00: Mathematics – Chemistry – Biology 

Excellent features of the training program

Developed with the orientation of building high-quality human resources in the field of industrial management and business administration.

International standard

Benchmark with the training program of the University of Illinois, USA (Rank 48, THE 2022).

Enterprise courses

More than 30% of training programs are studied in practice at enterprises with domestic and foreign experts.


Focusing on skills in human factor analysis, production system control, and effective technology recommendations.

Program learning outcomes

Industry Management provides students with professional knowledge and training in research and case management skills so that they have a sense of lifelong learning and behave professionally.
Study Program

The training program is built with 151 credits, including general knowledge, specialized knowledge, internship, and graduation thesis course.

  • Introduction to Industrial Management
  • Economic Law
  • Microeconomic Theory
  • General Mechanical Engineering
  • Soft Skills

Our teaching, learning, and evaluation methods

To ensure effective communication and reception processes, the faculty have designed items for follow-up as follows:
Career Prospects

Industrial Management has diverse and attractive career prospects, specifically:

Design of facilities
Monitoring product quality
Productivity management in production
Logistics and supply chain management
Production line management
Head of shift/ Production manager
Factory director
Specialist in the management board of industrial parks and export processing zones
"Nothing is impossible, be the arrow pointed at your target until you reach your destination."
"Nothing is impossible, be the arrow pointed at your target until you reach your destination."
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