
Oroantral Fistula Management

Oroantral fistula (OAF) is a complication that may arise as a result of the extraction of maxillary molars, causing abnormal sinus communication and a potential tooth tip falling into the maxillary sinus. This training course on oroantral fistula management exposes students to an understanding of the anatomy of the associated maxillary sinus, assessment of oroantral communication, and surgical options for appropriate OAF closure with sliding flaps, rotation flaps, or PRF.


Students will practice OAF closure flap techniques on pig jaws as well as with PRF.


6.000.000 VND/student

  • Mr. Tran Ngoc Quang Phi, DDS, Ph.D 
  • Ms To Tran, DDS, Ph.D
  • Doctor Bui Khoa Phuoc
  • Doctor Huynh Thanh Tien

Excellent features of the training program

On successful completion of this course, students should be able to assess, make treatment plans and manage oroantral fistula with different techniques.
Study Program
Theoretical content (3 periods)
Practical content (6 periods)
Examination (1 period)
  • Anatomy of the maxillary sinus and its defense mechanism  
  • Post-extraction oroantral fistula 
  • Assessment and treatment planning for oroantral fistula management 
  • Oroantral fistula management with sliding flaps  
  • Oroantral fistula management with sliding flaps and rotation flaps 
  • Oroantral fistula management with PRF 
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“Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile.”
- Albert Einstein
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