We are a vast diverse community of intellectuals from every field, who through our endeavoring for knowledge aspire to always bring about changes, innovations, breakthroughs, and a better world.
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At Van Lang, we always believe that our most valuable asset is our human resources. We are always interested and always want to accompany talented personnel to conquer career heights.
Bui Thi My Hanh
Head of Department
HR team awards
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Facilities & Institutes
Excellent team in the school year recognized by Van Lang University
Welfare and other regimes
Sightseeing, vacation: 1 time/year
Employee's family care regime.
Reduce tuition fees for employees' children when studying in Van Lang's education system: 50% reduction at university level; Undergraduate level 30% reduction.
Minimum income 350 million VND a year
Commit to a minimum income of 350 million VND per year for a lecturer and a research lecturer with a PhD degree.
Support up to 300 million in training costs
Willing to support up to 300 million VND for the cost of doctoral training in some cases
Bonus up to 350 million VND a year
The bonus ranges up to 350 million VND per year for lecturers and researchers with research papers published in journals indexed by WoS/Scopus, patents, etc.
Active on Research Project
Be proactive in choosing scientific research topics and building teams, being able to be creative without any limits.
Flexibility in support
For high-quality and highly applied research outputs, the University can arrange suitable budgets based on acceptable proposals.
International networking opportunities
Opportunities to connect and exchange with prestigious lecturers and experts from many countries around the world
Comprehensive health care
Pay social insurance, health insurance,... according to the regulations of the Viet Nam. Join the annual health insurance package.
Training and career advancement opportunities
Participate in internal training courses. To participate in professional training and retraining courses according to work needs and receive a support level of 50% of the course fee.
Welfare and other regimes
Sightseeing, vacation: 1 time/year
Employee's family care regime.
Reduce tuition fees for employees' children when studying in Van Lang's education system: 50% reduction at university level; Undergraduate level 30% reduction.
Minimum income 350 million VND a year
Commit to a minimum income of 350 million VND per year for a lecturer and a research lecturer with a PhD degree.
Support up to 300 million in training costs
Willing to support up to 300 million VND for the cost of doctoral training in some cases
Bonus up to 350 million VND a year
The bonus ranges up to 350 million VND per year for lecturers and researchers with research papers published in journals indexed by WoS/Scopus, patents, etc.
Active on Research Project
Be proactive in choosing scientific research topics and building teams, being able to be creative without any limits.
Flexibility in support
For high-quality and highly applied research outputs, the University can arrange suitable budgets based on acceptable proposals.
International networking opportunities
Opportunities to connect and exchange with prestigious lecturers and experts from many countries around the world
Comprehensive health care
Pay social insurance, health insurance,... according to the regulations of the Viet Nam. Join the annual health insurance package.
Training and career advancement opportunities
Participate in internal training courses. To participate in professional training and retraining courses according to work needs and receive a support level of 50% of the course fee.
Welfare and other regimes
Sightseeing, vacation: 1 time/year
Employee's family care regime.
Reduce tuition fees for employees' children when studying in Van Lang's education system: 50% reduction at university level; Undergraduate level 30% reduction.