In July 2024, Van Lang University will Host a Conference Commemorating the 300th Anniversary of Immanuel Kant

Van Lang University
30/06/2024(1124 views)
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On July 19, 2024, Van Lang University will host the Conference Commemorating the 300th Anniversary of Immanuel Kant and the Age of Enlightenment: Human, Influence and Legacy, featuring the participation of professors, researchers, and experts in the field.

The Age of Enlightenment, which lasted from the 17th to the end of the 18th century, played a particularly crucial role in human history. This period was when European thinkers strove to liberate humanity from the oppression of theocracy and feudalism while promoting freedom of thought and scientific understanding.

The year 2024 marks a significant milestone in the history of philosophy and human culture: the 300th anniversary of the birth of Immanuel Kant, one of the greatest thinkers of the Enlightenment. Kant pioneered the German classical school of philosophy, creating the "Copernican revolution" of philosophy by becoming the first to break with previous metaphysical views and end the debate in the "metaphysical arena" of the time. By initiating "transcendental dialectic" and pointing out the paradoxes of pure reason, Kant opened a new path for the dialectical conception of thought and cognition, laying the foundation for the dialectical systems of Fichte, Schelling, Hegel, and Marx's dialectical materialism. Kant's transcendental dialectic was truly a turning point in the history of human thought.


To look back on and honor the immense legacy of Kant as well as the Age of Enlightenment in general, on July 19, 2024, Van Lang University will organize a Conference Commemorating the 300th Anniversary of Immanuel Kant and the Age of Enlightenment: Human, Influence and Heritage. The conference is an opportunity for scholars, researchers, philosophy lovers, and those interested in the development of society in general to exchange and learn more about the Enlightenment, especially life, thought, and influence on the development of humanity of Kant. In addition to honoring the Enlightenment legacy, the conference is also an opportunity to look back at its influences in the specific historical and cultural context, drawing implications for the problems we face in the 21st century.

The Conference will gather prestigious speakers, they are professors, researchers, and experts from both domestic and international backgrounds: Prof. Thái Kim Lan, researcher Tôn Thất Thông, researcher Bùi Văn Nam Sơn, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Trần Hữu Quang, Dr. Trương Trọng Hiếu, Dr. Đỗ Kiên Trung, and others.

To attend the Conference, please register via this link before July 17, 2024. For more detailed information, please visit the website: or contact the Organizing Committee via email:


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