Law students from Van Lang University participate in a simulated trial to resolve a civil case

Minh Khang
24/02/2023(235 views)
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On the morning of February 25, 2023, at the Auditorium 1 of the Faculty of Law - Van Lang University, a simulated trial was held to resolve a dispute over a contract for depositing and transferring land use rights. The trial was attended by Ms. Dinh Ngoc Thu Huong, a judge from the High Court of Ho Chi Minh City, the managers of the faculty, and a large number of students.

The simulated trial is a special practical learning activity for students of the Faculty of Law at Van Lang University. It is highly interactive and helps students grasp legal knowledge in a natural and understandable way. Through this activity, students can visualize the working process and various job positions within the judicial agencies after graduation. To organize a simulated trial, the instructors play a guiding role, while students are responsible for planning, task allocation, and coordinating with relevant units.

On the morning of February 25, 2023, the simulated trial of the Law and Economic Law students took place. It had the presence of Ms. Dinh Ngoc Thu Huong, a senior judge from the High Court of Ho Chi Minh City; Associate Professor Dr. Bui Anh Thuy, Dean of the Faculty of Law at Van Lang University; Associate Professor Dr. Phan Quang Thinh, Head of the Public Administration Department; and Ms. Vu Thi Thuy, Head of the Criminal Law Department. Additionally, numerous lecturers and students from the Law and Economic Law programs were in attendance.

Associate Professor Dr. Bui Anh Thuy, the Dean of the Faculty of Law at Van Lang University, stated: “In order to experience and understand what a real trial is like, students greatly benefit from practical sessions like today. Throughout their learning journey, the value that each student derives is not only theoretical knowledge but also their interactive engagement with society. With the participation of a senior judge from the High Court of Ho Chi Minh City, I believe you will have the opportunity to address any gaps or deficiencies in your learning and research process.”

Under the professional guidance of the professors, the students familiarized themselves with the case files, prepared scripts, and assumed various roles such as judges, jury members, court clerks, prosecutors, lawyers, plaintiffs, and defendants.

The details of the case were realistically portrayed through the acting of the students

According to the trial proceedings, this is a dispute over a contract for depositing and transferring land use rights involving two parties: the plaintiff, Tran Khau Tuong Vy, represented by lawyer Nguyen Tan Dat, and the defendant, Le Cao Tuyet Trinh, represented by lawyer Nguyen Trong Chi. During the trial session, the students simulated the actual sequence of events in a first-instance civil trial, including the following parts: Opening procedures of the trial, Court hearings and arguments, Verdict deliberation, and Pronouncement of judgment. In addition, the Law students had the opportunity to have their legal questions related to the curriculum and recent high-profile cases answered by the professors in charge of the course.

Sinh viên Luật Trường Đại học Văn Lang tham gia phiên tòa giả định giải quyết vụ án dân sự.JPG
Ms. Dinh Ngoc Thu Huong, a senior judge from the High Court of Ho Chi Minh City, shared her thoughts with the students of the Faculty of Law at Van Lang University. 

After nearly an hour of the simulated trial, Ms. Dinh Ngoc Thu Huong, the senior judge from the High Court of Ho Chi Minh City, expressed that it was her first opportunity to attend such a simulated trial event at Van Lang University. She emphasized that this model is highly effective due to the practical experiences provided by the university, which are extremely valuable for the students' future careers.

News: Minh Khang
Photos: Trung Quan


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