Official Announcement: Van Lang University launches Master's programs in Public Relations and Theory & History of Applied Arts

Department Of Admissions and Communication
02/07/2024(2978 views)
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Van Lang University is accepting applications for admission to its Master's programs in 16 fields, including two new programs: Public Relations (Code: 8320108) and Theory & History of Applied Arts (Code: 8210401), until August 5, 2024.

As the pioneering unit for undergraduate Public Relations education in the South, the Faculty of Public Relations - Communication at Van Lang University is proud to have contributed to society with many generations of well-trained and competent graduates who hold important positions in the communication field. According to Decision No. 1734/QĐ-BGDĐT signed on June 28, 2024, the Ministry of Education and Training has authorized Van Lang University to offer and enroll students in the Master's program in Public Relations.

Students in the Master's program in Public Relations at Van Lang University can choose to pursue one of two orientations: research or application, to align with their career development goals.

To cater to students' individual career aspirations, the Master's program in Public Relations at Van Lang University offers two orientations: Research and Application (both 18-24 months). Depending on their capabilities and career aspirations, students can choose to follow one of these orientations, completing a thesis or a graduation project. During their studies, students will have the opportunity to participate in research projects with domestic and international professors, and to collaborate on PR programs and real-world projects at major companies, thereby gaining practical experience and building a foundation for creating beneficial projects.

Public Relations Program

Program Code: 8320108

Total Credits Required: 61 credits

Program Duration:

  • Research Orientation: 18 - 24 months
  • Application Orientation: 18 - 24 months

The Faculty of Arts & Design at Van Lang University has also made significant marks with its distinguished teaching staff and talented students who have won numerous awards and achieved great success in international competitions. The modern facilities, professional faculty, and carefully developed curriculum are expected to provide rich and valuable experiences for the learners.

In addition to theoretical classes, students pursuing a Master's degree in Theory and History of Applied Arts must participate in at least one hands-on experience integrated into the curriculum or extracurricular activities organized by the university.

Following the Applied Arts Master's program, the Faculty of Arts & Design will introduce a Master's program in Theory & History of Applied Arts with a research orientation. This program aims to train a creative workforce with positive thinking. Through the learning and development process at Van Lang, students will be equipped with comprehensive knowledge and skills to research and teach in the field of Applied Arts History. They will be capable of leading and guiding professional activities in design, developing self-worth, shaping aesthetic directions, and inspiring the community to serve the common good and the sustainable development of society.

The year 2024 marks the graduation of the first cohort from the Master's program in Applied Arts. The Theory and History of Applied Arts is the second Master's program offered by the Faculty of Arts & Design at Van Lang University.

Theory and History of Applied Arts Program

Program Code: 8210401

Total Credits Required: 60 credits

Program Duration: 18 - 24 months

For detailed information about the Master's program in Theory and History of Applied Arts, CLICK HERE.



For applicants who qualify for multiple tuition fee reductions and scholarships, only the highest applicable reduction will be applied.

Tuition Fee Reduction Policy:

  • 5% tuition fee reduction for applicants who pay the full tuition fee in 01 installment. Applicants who receive a scholarship covering up to 30% of the total tuition fee will receive an additional 5% reduction if they pay the full tuition fee in one installment (at the time of enrollment).
  • 10% tuition fee reduction for applicants who are ethnic minorities (according to state regulations).
  • 10% tuition fee reduction for applicants who are children of war invalids or sick soldiers.
  • 10% tuition fee reduction for parents, spouses, or siblings studying at the university.
  • 10% tuition fee reduction for alumni of Van Lang University.
  • 30% tuition fee reduction for applicants who are war invalids or sick soldiers.
  • 30% tuition fee reduction for applicants with disabilities (upon request).

Scholarship Policy for Master’s Program Students:

Applicants enrolling in Master’s programs can receive scholarships ranging from 10% to 100% of the total tuition fee. Applicants must apply for these scholarships and meet the minimum commitment conditions associated with each scholarship level (refer to Appendix 4, Master’s Program Admissions Notice 2024). 

Additionally, female applicants, applicants with disabilities, or applicants who are ethnic minorities will receive an additional 10% scholarship when enrolling in postgraduate STEM programs at Van Lang University. These programs include Biotechnology, Natural Resources and Environmental Management, Environmental Engineering, Civil Engineering, and Architecture.


  • Application deadline: Until August 5, 2024
  • Application deadline for applicants needing a preparation course to take the English entrance exam: July 20, 2024
  • Application deadline for applicants needing English entrance exam only: July 28, 2024
  • English preparation course dates: July 27-28, 2024
  • Selection period: August 15, 2024
  • Announcement of admissions results (estimated): August 24, 2024
  • Enrollment period (estimated): September 2024


Step 1: Submit application online via the website

Step 2: Submit application in person at the Postgraduate Institute or send it by mail to Room 2.01, Building A, main campus of Van Lang University (No. 69/68 Dang Thuy Tram, Ward 13, Binh Thanh District, HCMC)


Application Documents:

  • Application form (download form HERE)
  • Citizen ID card (certified copy)
  • Student curriculum vitae (download form HERE, certified by local authorities or local government where you reside)
  • Birth certificate (certified copy)
  • Bachelor’s degree (02 certified copies)
  • Bachelor’s transcripts (02 certified copies)
  • Foreign language certificates (02 certified copies)
  • 3x4 cm passport photos (with full name, date of birth, and place of birth written on the back)
  • Certificate of equivalent qualification from the Department of Quality Management (for bachelor’s degrees issued by foreign educational institutions)
  • Proof of priority (if any)
  • Scholarship application documents (if any)
  • Certificate of knowledge conversion (certified copy, if any)
  • Work experience certificate (if any)
  • Proof of payment of the admission fee.


Applicants should transfer the fee to the university’s bank account with the following details:

  • Account Number: 1602201363522
  • Beneficiary Bank: Agribank CN3 - HCMC
  • Transfer Description: SDH - Full Name - Citizen ID - Admission Fee...


For any inquiries regarding detailed admission information for the Master's programs in Public Relations and Applied Art Theory & History, please contact the Postgraduate Institute of Van Lang University through the following channels:

  • Postgraduate Institute - Room 2.01, Building A, main campus of Van Lang University (No. 69/68 Dang Thuy Tram, Ward 13, Binh Thanh District, HCMC)
  • Phone: 02871016869
  • Email: or
  • Website:

For more information, see: Tuition fees and postgraduate scholarship policies for the academic year 2023-2024

Department Of Admissions and Communication


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