Hoai Anh
19/12/2022(521 views)
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Proudly following 27 years of establishment and development, from December 2022, Van Lang University announced a new brand identity, ready for a transformation with larger goals in the future. The new brand identity launch ceremony will take place on December 22, 2022, at the main campus, affirming the strong transforming message from Van Lang University. 

On the 25th Anniversary Ceremony, former President Truong Tan Sang sent a message and assigned Van Lang University the training generations of students task, contributing to conducting the aspiration of "becoming an Asian dragon" and making Vietnam a prosperous country by 2025. Inheriting that sense of responsibility, Van Lang University has dramatically accelerated in recent years and made an effort to become one of the leading private universities in Vietnam in terms of scale and quality education, contributing positive values and inspiring the community.

Facing the new opportunities and challenges in the globalized world, Van Lang University is transforming to become an international standard of education environment once again, striving to become “one of Asia's Most Admired Young Universities by 2030.”

Tomorrow, December 22, 2022, Van Lang University will officially announce its new brand identity. This event marks a change in branding identity in appearance and is also a signal to affirm Van Lang University's transformation in its core values.


Before the milestone marking the historical transformation, on December 20, 2022, Dr. Nguyen Cao Tri, Chairman of Van Lang University, shared a meaningful message to the VLU community: “This event is the beginning of a new journey of a thousand miles for Van Lang University. It is not an easy journey, but remember that every challenge is an endless source of inspiration for us to dream, commit, and conquer. I believe we are heading on the right track since we are following the values of the founding generation, putting all their heart and energy into building from the beginning.”

Read the message of Dr. Nguyen Cao Tri - Chairman of Van Lang University.

At the event, Van Lang University will also organize a panel discussion on the topic "The transformation of higher education to meet the required competencies of the future workforce" with the participation of five enthusiastic and prestigious speakers in the fields of education and organization management:

  • Dr. Nguyen Cao Tri – Chairman of Van Lang Education Group; Chairman of Van Lang University; 
  • Madame Ton Nu Thi Ninh – President of Vietnam Peace and Development Foundation (HPDF); 
  • Ms. Phan Tu Quyen – CEO and Member of the Board of Management Board, Microsoft Vietnam; 
  • Ms. Huynh Thi Xuan Lien – Board Member of PNJ and Chairwoman of CAF;
  • Host: Hung Vo – APAC 2021 Top 50 CMO, Advisory Board of Fulbright University Vietnam, Founder and Chairman of Dentsu Redder Advertising Group 

The experts will present deep insights on the topic of "globalization," as well as training, educating, and nurturing quality human resources for global integration from four perspectives:

  • Madame Ton Nu Thi Ninh, President of the Vietnam Peace and Development Foundation, will share the macro perspective on Vietnam's human resources and evoke hot issues about young Vietnamese human resources in the context of integration with the international labor market. 
  • With the pioneering perspective from one of the leading private universities in Vietnam, Dr. Nguyen Cao Tri, Chairman of Van Lang University, will present the story of the pioneering transformation and how to approach international educational standards and methods. 
  • With the current perspective from international business representatives, Ms. Phan Tu Quyen, CEO, and Member of the Board of Management Board, Microsoft Vietnam, will focus on the criteria and expectations from international businesses for the current and future labor market. 
  • Ms. Huynh Thi Xuan Lien, Board Member of PNJ and Chairwoman of CAF, will share stories about opportunities and challenges for young laborers in the country to show the integration perspective from a leading domestic business representative. 

Exchanges between leading educational, media, economic, and technology activists will bring inspiration and suggest appropriate directions for raising the Vietnamese quality education in general and higher education in particular in this hyper-connected era.

Let's look forward to The New Brand Identity Launch Ceremony.

  • Time: December 22, 2022, 8:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
  • Venue: Trinh Cong Son Hall, main campus, 69/68 Dang Thuy Tram, Ward 13, Binh Thanh District
  • The program will be live on the Van Lang University Fanpage

Hoai Anh


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