Van Lang University made its mark at the APAIE 2023 International Education Conference and Exhibition (Thailand)

Van Lang University
19/03/2023(147 views)
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From March 13 to 17, 2023, Van Lang University participated in the APAIE 2023 International Education Conference and Exhibition in Thailand. The event connected more than 1383 universities and businesses around the world.

APAIE 2023 International Education Exhibition and Conference (Thailand) was organized to improve education by connecting prestigious universities with the world, enriching and promoting international programs, and promoting international education in the Asia-Pacific region. The event gathered more than 1383 universities and businesses around the world to participate. Van Lang University is the only university in Vietnam participating in the conference and exhibition.

Discussing the Transnational Education Program under the TNE ASEAN - Australia model

In the series of events before the exhibition, MSc. Bui Pham Lan Phuong, Vice President of Van Lang University, participated in the ASEAN - Australia TNE Workshop and discussed hot topics related to transnational education under the TNE model with experts and representatives of universities in Australia and Asia.

Trường Đại học Văn Lang ghi dấu ấn tại Hội nghị và Triển lãm Giáo dục Quốc tế APAIE 2023 (1).jpg
MSc. Bui Pham Lan Phuong shared the potential of developing transnational education programs in Vietnam in particular and in Asian countries in general.

"Vietnam is a country with a young population; this is a potential opportunity for Australian universities to exchange cooperation and develop training. Currently, the TNE training model attracts the attention of many parents and students because of the value of international learning experience, good career opportunities after graduation, and globally recognized qualifications.", said MSc. Bui Pham Lan Phuong.

Continuing at the series of conferences, Dr. Ngo Quang Trung – Vice President, Director of the International Education Institute, and MSc. Nguyen Thi Kim Lan – Deputy Director of the International Student Support Center, on behalf of Van Lang University, participated in the seminar "When diversity becomes mainstream – Contextualizing transnational curriculum", to examine the increase in the diversity of students enrolled in transnational education programs in many aspects and provide solutions to adjust the curriculum to suit the context of each country by applying the TNE model.

Trường Đại học Văn Lang ghi dấu ấn tại Hội nghị và Triển lãm Giáo dục Quốc tế APAIE 2023 (3).jpg
Representatives of Van Lang University, Dr. Ngo Quang Trung, and MSc. Nguyen Thi Kim Lan, took a photo with international experts at the seminar "When diversity becomes mainstream - Contextualizing transnational curriculum".

Dr. Ngo Quang Trung gave his thoughts on the TNE education model that many parents are interested in because of the quality of training, career opportunities after graduation, globally recognized qualifications, and many cultural integration activities and experiences for students.

"Transnational education programs will be balanced and adjusted in the teaching content to bring the TNE model closer to students and the training environment. Up until now, the International Education Institute of Van Lang University has implemented six training programs according to the TNE model, including the International Bachelor of Digital Marketing, Event Management, International Business, Finance, Software Engineering, and Master of Digital Business Administration. In addition, many experiential activities are organized for international students at Van Lang, such as the International Debate Championship (IDEBATE) and the summer experience program SDG Summer School in Vietnam", said Dr. Ngo Quang Trung.

Exchange cooperation with more than 100 prestigious universities in the world

During the three days of the exhibition, Van Lang University welcomed more than 100 representatives from prestigious universities and businesses in many countries, such as Australia, the USA, the UK, France, Italy, Turkey, India, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, the Philippines,... Representatives of Van Lang University along with other universities discussed cooperation in training programs, curriculum transfer, and student activities.

Trường Đại học Văn Lang ghi dấu ấn tại Hội nghị và Triển lãm Giáo dục Quốc tế APAIE 2023 (2).jpg
MSc. Bui Pham Lan Phuong – VLU’s Vice President discussed the international cooperation program at Van Lang University with representatives from the University of Nottingham (Malaysia).

After the event, many international representatives expressed their desire to connect and cooperate with Van Lang University, creating a favorable development environment for VLU students in particular and Vietnamese students in general in terms of both knowledge and skills.

Aiming to become one of the most admired universities in Asia by 2030, Van Lang University is constantly building applied training programs and partnership programs with leading universities in the world. As of right now, Van Lang University has nearly 50,000 students and more than 100 majors, with standard programs that are comparable to those of the world's top 100–200 universities, as well as honors programs and international programs with many prestigious universities in the world.

News by: Van Lang University


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